2 results


Posted on 02.12.2022

Innovating with health data: a story from the inside out

There is no arguing that digital transformation has helped revolutionise many industries, including healthcare. In my role as a data scientist, I have seen our field’s solutions and strategies change as technology advanced and patients’ expectations evolved. Now that I work as a data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) partnerships lead, I strive for a multi-disciplinary […]

By Ymke de Jong Data Science Professional, Philips


Posted on 12.04.2012

Standalone software: objects in the regulatory mirror may appear simpler than they are

January 2012 was a fruitful month for EU guidance on medical devices and produced among other MEDDEVs the MEDDEV 2.1/6 Qualification and Classification of stand alone software. This MEDDEV contains the latest thinking on how stand alone software, i.e. software that does not necessarily run on a medical device (but may have medical device functionality), qualifies as medical device under the three medical devices directives. If you are interested in a lot more background about the MEDDEV than I can provide in this blogpost (and especially nice flowcharts, which make life more simple for everyone), you can find it here.

By Erik Vollebregt Life Sciences and IP Lawyer, and Founding Partner Axon Lawyers