23 results

Posted on 07.09.2023
The value of timely interventions in emergency care: IVDs laying the groundwork for urgent care success
As we have learned over the last few years, we cannot postpone reforms to our public health systems if we want to combat and prepare for future pandemics. As someone who has worked in the in-vitro diagnostic (IVD) industry for more than 25 years, I believe in the importance of setting high-quality standards for IVD […]

Posted on 22.03.2022
Listening to patients drives innovation in heart health
Advances in cardiac medical technology save lives every day. But how can future innovations meet the needs of today’s patients even more? By engaging not only with clinicians but also with patients and people at risk of cardiovascular events, our sector is ensuring that advances in technology focus on their quality of life. For example, […]

Posted on 23.09.2021
Global approach needed to remote audits
The pandemic has changed many aspects of our lives. This is no different for those of us in the medtech space where we were pushed to rethink how we work. In the process, we learned how to find robust alternatives to important processes such as physical audits. These changes also revealed the need for greater […]

Posted on 28.01.2021
Answering the Call of Telehealth
Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, video consultations were on the rise, with many healthcare systems advocating a digital-first approach. In patient care and clinical trials, demand for virtual care has never been higher. The pandemic has accelerated this shift. For me, it has been exciting to collaborate with health systems at a time of urgent […]

Posted on 26.10.2020
COPD & COVID-19: Pandemic must prompt shift to connected care
For people living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a long-term lung illness, COVID-19 is having a major impact. The pandemic has disrupted traditional models of care and put vulnerable patients at risk. Keeping patients out of hospital – by reducing scheduled visits and avoiding emergency admissions – has become the top priority. A silver […]

Posted on 27.08.2020
COVID-19 & diagnostics: the value of ‘test, test, test’
The power of diagnostics information (VODI) to public health and society was a topic of keen interest even before the COVID-19 outbreak. The pandemic offers us fresh lessons on how health systems can harness this value. Many of us will recall one of the earliest recommendation from the Director General of the WHO during the […]

Posted on 06.06.2018
Reinventing asthma inhalers for the digital age
Asthma is a very common disease. In Europe, at least one in ten children has asthma symptoms. Globally, an estimated 300 million people are living with the condition. For people with asthma, their inhaler plays a central role in managing the condition. These simple drug delivery devices have been used for decades to deliver medication […]

Posted on 12.04.2018
Value-Based Health Care and chronic disease
I would like you to think about the evolution of healthcare in Europe and how it is organised. What are healthcare systems generally good at? Imagine a road accident. Frantic emergency phone calls. Flashing blue lights. Within 8 minutes emergency vehicles arrive. You hit the hospital accident and emergency ward. A crash team is ready. […]

Posted on 17.10.2017
It’s happiness, stupid!
Jurriaan van Rijswijk (Msc): Founder and chairman ‘Games for Health Europe’ Eindhoven, October, 5th 2017 ‘Games for Health Europe’ wants to stimulate a paradigm shift in healthcare. Consider happiness as a positive condition for good health instead of the other way around. In healthcare, patients can be faced with considerable adversity; healthcare professionals sometimes work […]