120 results


Posted on 07.11.2024

Beyond the checkbox: My views on compliance

By embedding compliance at the core of decision-making, medtech and life science companies will be ready to rise to future challenges When we think about the key trends shaping the healthcare sector, it quickly becomes clear that ethics and compliance have a central role to play in the future of our industry. Consider the risks […]

By Samih Al Mawass Abbott, Divisional Vice President, Abbott Vascular for Europe, Middle East and Africa


Posted on 27.08.2024

A vision for Europe’s medtech future: Safeguarding Europe’s access to medtech and innovation

The EU medical technology regulations need a rethink to boost competitiveness that better safeguards patient access to innovation  Europe has a strong and diverse medical technology sector and some of the best health services in the world. However, a serious crisis is on the horizon, which threatens our shared progress. We must address this challenge […]

By Dr Emer Sherry Senior Executive, Irish Medtech & Vice Chair of the MedTech Europe MDR Advocacy Working Group


Posted on 28.06.2024

MedTech Europe Code: Trust is a priceless asset in healthcare

With new global challenges on the horizon, compliance with the MedTech Europe Code is an investment in the future  If my years as a legal and compliance professional in Europe’s medical technology sector have taught me anything, it is the value of trust. It is vital that healthcare professionals and patients trust us to produce […]

By Anne-Sophie Bricca Deputy General Counsel - Global Compliance Officer, Terumo BCT


Posted on 14.03.2024

Building resilient healthcare systems in Europe

MedTech Europe Manifesto: The EU has a key role in preparing for future challenges, from AMR and climate to global trade distortions and supply chain disruption  European health systems have faced severe stress tests in recent years, revealing some of the strengths and weaknesses of our services and institutions. Learning from this experience will be […]

By Oliver Bisazza Chief Executive Officer, MedTech Europe


Posted on 27.06.2023

The European Health Data Space (EHDS): The Promise of Secondary Use of Data for Healthcare Innovation

The European Health Data Space (EHDS) regulation proposes a framework that would allow for the secure and efficient use of health data for research, innovation, policy-making, and regulatory activities. This type of framework for the ‘secondary use’ of health data has the potential to deliver new and meaningful insights that inform research and innovation, ultimately […]

By Kimberly L. Sterling Vice President of Global Value & Access, ResMed

Posted on 19.12.2022

Europe’s health professionals ready to adopt efficient AI solutions

In my experience as a nuclear medicine physician in a large hospital, Artificial Intelligence (AI) will help with the routine, time-consuming procedures of healthcare professionals. It can delineate tumours in the case of repetitive imaging and pre-digest work performed on earlier imaging. In these cases, I do not have to redo what has already been […]

By Wim Oyen Nuclear Medicine Physician, Department of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine of Rijnstate Hospital


Posted on 05.10.2022

Thinking of joining an EU project? Read our top tips

The new Innovative Health Initiative (IHI) has prompted companies in the medical technology industry to think about taking part in more EU projects. For some, this is a new opportunity to build on existing experience. For others, it’s a new venture. With the right preparation, there are real benefits on offer thanks to this exciting […]

By Patrick Boisseau Director Research and Innovation, MedTech Europe


Posted on 22.09.2022

How to unlock the value of health data and digital health solutions

At the MedTech Forum that took place in Barcelona earlier this year, I joined a J&J MedTech sponsored panel entitled Data Governance in a Patient Pathway. I was on stage with peers from the industry, all looking at the topic from a different perspective, from the patient, to the healthcare provider, the policy maker to […]

By Lisa Ann Hill Managing Director


Posted on 14.07.2022

Addressing new expectations for the future of health

The past few years have seen a seismic shift in the entire healthcare landscape. The COVID-19 crisis required a new level of “always-on” and “right now” innovation to enable care to be delivered to the front lines, to all patients, and across geographies. As COVID-19 evolves from an acute crisis to a chronic issue with unpredictable ebbs and flows, the hyper-focused approach to innovation is more important than ever. The world now knows what we can do, even when conditions are less than optimal. Our focus on helping patients by getting the best evidence, tools, and support to clinicians demonstrated the power of collaboration, imagination and dedication. Moving forward, patients and healthcare partners will accept nothing less than that level of commitment to transform the future of health forever.

By Ashley McEvoy Executive Vice President, Worldwide Chair, Johnson & Johnson MedTech