25 results

Posted on 26.04.2019
Digital health needs incentives
I’ve always believed that you get what you pay for, and digital health is no exception. Despite the promises of digital transformation to make healthcare services better, safer and more efficient, analogue healthcare services – visits to the doctor/hospital, therapies and drugs – have proved remarkably resilient. The reason seems to me quite obvious: analogue […]

Posted on 01.03.2017
Stress-busting app keeps employees healthy – and boosts productivity
Sensors, artificial intelligence and big data are not only changing healthcare, they are transforming the workplace and may even reinvent the insurance sector. Stress takes its toll on all of us. It affects our mental health and is linked to increased risk of cardiovascular disease and obesity. It also costs employers tens of thousands of euro […]

Posted on 24.11.2016
Bringing the digital revolution to the lab
Why do we use more advanced monitoring tools in our daily lives than we do in biomedical research? Every scientist knows that discoveries from biomedical research are useless if they cannot be replicated. Yet, in a recent survey by Nature, 70% of researchers indicated that they have tried and failed to reproduce another scientist’s experiments, […]

Posted on 04.05.2016
A new era for asthma control
For several years now, the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) has maintained the same theme for World Asthma Day: “You Can Control Your Asthma”. It is an empowering message for people living with asthma, one of Europe’s major chronic diseases affecting 30 million citizens, of which 6 million live with severe asthma symptoms. Asthma is […]

Posted on 04.03.2016
The role of medical technology in the 4th Industrial Revolution
Digital technologies have made our lives move faster, easier and be more connected. And in the realm of healthcare, we have seen this rapid advancement on how we diagnose, treat and cure patients. The healthcare sector is transforming and evolving fast thanks to the advent of technologies. And our sector, the medical technology sector, is […]

Posted on 04.11.2015
Isabel Saraiva, Portuguese, has been affected by Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) since 2006
My name is Isabel Saraiva. I’m Portuguese and ex-smoker. I quit smoking in April 2006 when I was diagnosed with COPD, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. COPD is a progressive respiratory disease characterized by the obstruction of lung airflow making breathing difficult. Prevention, which means quitting smoking and access to early diagnostic, is the most important […]

Posted on 30.09.2015
Nicola Bedlington, European Patients’ Forum Secretary General, shares her views on patient empowerment
I am delighted that EPF has embarked on a one-year campaign on patient empowerment and the support that this is receiving from many health stakeholders who participated in our launch conference. When I think back to when we created EPF 12 years ago, enabling patients to become active at all levels was one of the fundamental aims for […]

Posted on 02.09.2015
Eva Knuplez, from Slovenia, shares her experience of living with type 1 diabetes since 2011
Eva is a Slovenian young lady who, 4 years ago, has been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Along with sharing her experience with diabetes, the challenges of not being able to enjoy the latest technologies, she explains her involvement in local public health campaigns especially with children to dispel the myths around diabetes and ensure […]

Posted on 26.08.2015
Peter Helfrich, from Germany, explains how parenteral nutrition does not prevent you to enjoy life!
BVMED, the German national medical devices association, has initiated a campaign to raise awareness about medical devices and empowering patients to be body proud, despite having a medical device. We have translated extracts of Peter’s story as part of European MedTech Week. To view all the stories, click here. Why are you supporting the “Body pride” […]