11 results

Posted on 15.10.2018
Looking after your sexual health
We’re fortunate to be living in a time when it’s OK to talk openly about sexual health. But with so much information out there, unpicking the facts from the myths can sometimes be tricky. UK-based sexual health charity FPA aims to educate the public about sexual and reproductive health and wellbeing, especially during our annual […]

Posted on 22.05.2018
How can we manage preeclampsia risk during pregnancy?
Preeclampsia is a serious pregnancy disorder occurring only during pregnancy. To mark World Preeclampsia Day (May 22), I would like to share some insights on how to make pregnancy after preeclampsia as safe as possible for women and babies. One of the questions we hear most frequently from women who have experienced preeclampsia is: ‘Is […]

Posted on 08.06.2016
To innovate we must collaborate: European MedTech Week 2016
The medical technology industry creates over half a million different products, from pacemakers and artificial hips to condoms and pregnancy tests. Despite the impact these products have on millions of people of all ages every day, medtech is still a little known and often misunderstood sector. With European MedTech Week now in its second year, […]

Posted on 05.02.2016
Why diagnostics is important in dealing with the Zika threat
In the last few weeks we have seen the emergence of a new global public health threat, the Zika Virus (ZIKV). Both the World Health Organization (WHO) and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) are monitoring the spread of the Zika, a mosquito borne arbovirus. The WHO recently declared the diseases linked […]

Posted on 10.06.2015
How medtech is changing future healthcare
Technological marvels in medical technology are arriving, and they will transform the entire healthcare chain It is not always easy to see a change occurring when it is happening right in front of you, so even those with long years of experience in healthcare might not recognise that the sector is currently undergoing a transformation […]

Posted on 18.09.2014
The consumerisation of care: Can medtech compete?
Editors’ Note: This post is part of a series on Consumerisation of Care. Follow the conversation and learn from industry experts using the Twitter hashtag #mtf2014. Digital technologies are changing how companies innovate, interact and do business. Consumer industries such as retail, electronics, and telecommunications already use digital technologies to more closely connect to customers, better […]

Posted on 05.06.2013
Women’s Health and IVDs – An Investigative Report
My background in women’s rights has driven me to look into how my current field of work has taken issues which affect women into account. So as an EDMA Communications Intern, I decided to dive into the field of in vitro diagnostics (IVDs) to identify whether the makers of IVDs have played a role in empowering women. Here’s what my investigation revealed…

Medical devices and in vitro diagnostics proposals: Information is Power
World Health Day approaching us on April 7th is meant to raise awareness on the endless host of hurdles that undermines our health and therefore, our quality of life. Public health is about making sure that the external factors that determine our health are governed by policies that have people’s well-being at the very heart of their mandate. EPHA, Europe’s leading NGO advocating for better health, is committed to that very principle.
This year marks EPHA’s 20th anniversary in advocating EU and European policy-makers on public health. Bringing today’s leaders to focus on people’s health is not an easy task. The medical devices and in vitro diagnostics files appropriately represent the juggling effort that advocating for public health usually turns out to be.

Lab Tests Online: A valuable information resource for pregnant women in Romania and abroad
As an activist for maternal health rights in Romania and the Head of the White Cross Foundation for Maternity Healthcare Services, increasing health literacy and access to healthcare for as many Romanian mothers as possible is extremely instrumental to me. It is important that they understand the role and significance of prenatal tests. Though we [my organisation] had already been directing women to Lab Tests Online as part of an effort to help them better understand the role and importance of these tests, we relied on the languages that were available – English, French or German (as most educated women in Romanian are fluent in at least one of these languages), Hungarian (as Romania has quite a large Hungarian-speaking minority), Italian and Spanish (spoken by many low-income Romanian women who engaged in seasonal work in Spain and Italy). Unfortunately, the great service Lab Tests Online sites provide was not available in Romanian, or at least so was the case until the launch of the country’s own site in November 2012 through the noteworthy efforts of the Romanian Association of Medical Products Providers.