59 results

Can Europe unlock the power of data while protecting privacy?
Key points Health data can drive better outcomes and support patient safety Total anonymisation would make secondary use of device or research data impossible MedTech Europe has developed a framework that balances data protection with data-driven opportunities to help perform the analysis of re-identification risks We live in an increasingly data-driven world. Innovative medical technology […]

The vast possibilities of Artificial Intelligence for our hearts
From triaging patients to the proper treatment to interpreting scans, or optimising treatment pathways, artificial intelligence (AI) can play a pivotal role in supporting the health workforce in their work in cardiovascular disease. However, to fully grasp the potential of AI for patients, we need to start by making high-quality curated health data available. The […]

Posted on 01.07.2022
Putting medical technologies at the heart of health innovation in Europe
From robotic surgery and wearables to connected devices and AI-powered diagnostics, medical technologies are reinventing healthcare. Europe’s medtech sector is making unprecedented investments in research & innovation – and joining the Innovative Healthcare Initiative for the first time. I sense that something big is happening in healthcare research. A tectonic shift in Europe’s health innovation […]

Posted on 02.05.2022
Predictive genomics: how Europe can tackle the barriers to better prevention
We need to start a conversation now about how to prepare our systems and societies for the changes on the horizon. In the second of a two-part mini-series on predictive genomics, Francesco Floridini examines how Europe can accelerate the transition. I believe technology is no longer the key barrier to unlocking the potential of predictive […]

Posted on 07.12.2021
What’s Next for Digital Health After COVID-19?
Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella remarked earlier this year that the first months of the COVID-19 pandemic saw ’two years of digital transformation in two months‘. As the world moved to working, shopping, and socialising online, necessity drove many aspects of healthcare to being delivered remotely too. With vaccines being rolled out around the world and […]

Posted on 19.11.2021
EU move on mergers threatens innovation
At first sight, EU policy on mergers and acquisitions might not need to concern patients and frontline healthcare workers too much. However, a subtle shift in the rules on whether two companies can agree to become one could have a profound impact on access to medical innovation. To understand why this might be, it’s important […]

Posted on 11.06.2021
My dream is for personalised treatments to be the norm
When it comes to people, one size does not fit all. It is no shock to hear that we all have different shapes and sizes. But then why do we turn to standard equipment and approaches for every patient in our hospitals today? Let’s take a step back and imagine a world where personalised treatments […]

Posted on 15.03.2021
VIP access: a proposal for a new model for embracing healthcare innovation
High-value innovations in care delivery play an essential role in solving the challenges facing Europe’s health system. However, ensuring adoption and uptake of new technology solutions is far from simple. Current reimbursement and access models have served Europe well but are now reaching their limit in ensuring timely patient access to truly cutting-edge technologies and […]

Posted on 26.10.2020
COPD & COVID-19: Pandemic must prompt shift to connected care
For people living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a long-term lung illness, COVID-19 is having a major impact. The pandemic has disrupted traditional models of care and put vulnerable patients at risk. Keeping patients out of hospital – by reducing scheduled visits and avoiding emergency admissions – has become the top priority. A silver […]