Ana Maita
President of White Cross Foundation
In addition to being an activist for Mothers’ Rights for Education and Healthcare, Ana Maita is the President of White Cross Foundation and the president and founder of the Mothers for Mothers Association. She held the position of the Vice President of Romanian Alliance for Healthcare, which is the biggest federation of healthcare organizations in Romania. Her focus on activism started with her experience as a country representative for the European Network of Childbirth Associations and the International MotherBaby Childbirth Organization.
1 blog from the author
Lab Tests Online: A valuable information resource for pregnant women in Romania and abroad
As an activist for maternal health rights in Romania and the Head of the White Cross Foundation for Maternity Healthcare Services, increasing health literacy and access to healthcare for as many Romanian mothers as possible is extremely instrumental to me. It is important that they understand the role and significance of prenatal tests. Though we [my organisation] had already been directing women to Lab Tests Online as part of an effort to help them better understand the role and importance of these tests, we relied on the languages that were available – English, French or German (as most educated women in Romanian are fluent in at least one of these languages), Hungarian (as Romania has quite a large Hungarian-speaking minority), Italian and Spanish (spoken by many low-income Romanian women who engaged in seasonal work in Spain and Italy). Unfortunately, the great service Lab Tests Online sites provide was not available in Romanian, or at least so was the case until the launch of the country’s own site in November 2012 through the noteworthy efforts of the Romanian Association of Medical Products Providers.