Brian Mangan FCIPS MSc
Deputy Director NHS NW Procurement Development
A Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply, qualified with a Masters Degree in Management Studies, Brian joined the NHS in 2004 from Royal Mail, as Head of Procurement at The Walton Centre, moving to lead procurement at Wrightington, Wigan & Leigh NHS Foundation Trust. In 2013 he moved to establish NHS NW Procurement Development, where he is now Deputy Director. He has been actively involved since 2014 regionally, nationally and internationally promoting and developing “Value based procurement” across healthcare and industry, gaining support for this approach as a means for maximising savings opportunities across the patient pathway and improving patient outcomes.
1 blog from the author
Posted on 23.05.2018
Value-based procurement: a users’ guide to improving outcomes and delivering efficiencies in the UK
This blog is part 9 of a series on the MEAT value-based procurement project, an initiative that advocates towards a shift from price-based procurement towards value-based procurement. It does so by defining a Most Economically Advantageous Tendering (MEAT) framework that includes the value of medical technologies, services and solutions in procurement processes across Europe. Read part 1, part […]