Elin Mignérus
Committee Member European Health Parliament
The European Health Parliament brings a new angle to the work on health policy. By gathering young professionals from across Europe with experiences from academia, public and private sectors, and NGOs, the initiative fosters discussions that have the unique possibility to address challenges from different perspectives.
Part of the AI, robotics and precision medicine committee, Elin Mignérus is the CEO of Swedish medtech company CathPrint AB and member of the AI, Robotics and Prescision Medicine committee of the European Health Parliament.
1 blog from the author
Posted on 14.05.2018
Digital health is here – time to take the lead
How do we prepare Europe for future technologies? Technologies such as AI, robotics and precision medicine are a mix of challenge and opportunity. But how can we prepare for this new era of tech in the healthcare sector? Modern technologies have immense potential to improve health through promotion, prevention and protection; this represents not only […]