John Wilkinson
Former Chief Executive of Eucomed
Former Chief Executive of Eucomed
42 blogs from the author

Posted on 28.05.2009
From the Haupstadtkongress – Patient safety, what can be done on a European level?
Listening to a distinguished panel of experts chaired by Bernard Merkel of DG Sanco I get the impression that things are moving to raise the level of patient safety. I was interested to learn that DG Sanco has commissioned a study to rate Member States in their efforts to combat patient safety. This “black list” […]

Heat and quite a lot of light
The sweltering heat and fever pitch of the football supporters contrasts starkly with the measured debate at the 2009 International Medical Device Industry Compliance, Regulatory and Intellectual Property Conference here in Rome. The Champions League final sees football shirted supporters rubbing shoulders with suited captains of industry in an unlikely melange. One item of news […]

Posted on 12.05.2009
Sustainabilty of European health systems
It takes very little to persuade me to visit Prague. It is one of the gems of Europe. On this occasion, though, I had little opportunity to enjoy the scenic beauty of the city as I arrived at 1.00 am and spent the day in an ornate, but windowless, ballroom in a classic early 20th […]

Posted on 06.05.2009
MassMEDIC Annual Meeting: Reflections on industry clinician collaboration
Sitting on Boston’s south shore, the John F. Kennedy Pesidential Library is both imposing yet not over-stated. A rare treat for me was the opportunity to address the annual meeting of MassMEDIC, the largest regional medical technology association in the USA – and that means the world, I am sure! The speaker’s podium has a […]

Patient Power across Europe
On one of those beautiful clear Spring mornings here in Brussels, it was a rare pleasure to head out early for breakfast with the Health Consumer Powerhouse. Housed in a beautiful high ceilinged and gilt embellished office near De Brouckere, Health Consumer Powerhouse is a champion for European consumers of healthcare (you and me) and […]

The role of EMEA in future regulation: consensus amongst experts
It was with some trepidation that I placed myself in the ‘lions den’ of the pharmaceutical industry at the annual Euromeeting of the Drug Information Association in Berlin today. Sharing a platform to discuss the evolution of medical device regulation with Mdme Georgette Lalis of the EU Commission and David Feigal, former FDA Commissioner, proved […]