Lexi Brown
Media Planner
Lexi Brown is a media planner at Mindshare UK, specialising in new media and technology for communications. This, with her passion for geography after studying at the University of Bristol, has led her to write for “Digital Diversity” and showcase examples of how technology and new methods of communication are improving the developing world, and helping individuals escape the vicious cycle of poverty. You can follow Lexi on Twitter @lexie_brown
1 blog from the author

Posted on 05.08.2014
The ‘Eye-Phone’ That Helps Prevent Blindness
According to Dr. Patricia Mechael, executive director of the mHealth Alliance, in developing countries the average doctor-to-patient ratio is one doctor to every 250,000 patients. Yet these same countries account for 80% of mobile subscriptions worldwide. It’s no surprise, then, that mobile health technology has substantial potential to improve access to healthcare in the developing world.