Lieven Annemans
Senior Full Professor of Health Economics at the Faculties of Medicine at Ghent University and Brussels University, Belgium
Lieven Annemans is Senior Full Professor at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and at Ghent University, Belgium, and is specialized in the economics of health and wellbeing. Main topics of interest are the economics of health promotion, health technology assessment applied to pharma and medtech solutions, epidemiological models, financial incentives to stimulate integrated care, and the study of all factors that can improve overall well-being. He provides lectures, trainings and advice regarding health economics, Health Technology Assessment and the economics of Wellbeing. He is Past-President of ISPOR (International Society of PharmacoEconomics and Outcomes Research) and was previously advisor to the Belgian Minister of Health, as well as chairman of the Flemish health council. He received twice the Francqui Chair, a Belgian award for academic excellence. He is author or co-author of > 300 papers in peer-reviewed journals and published four books on health economics, among which “health economics for non-economists” (Pelckmans Pro, 2018).
1 blog from the author

Posted on 15.03.2021
VIP access: a proposal for a new model for embracing healthcare innovation
High-value innovations in care delivery play an essential role in solving the challenges facing Europe’s health system. However, ensuring adoption and uptake of new technology solutions is far from simple. Current reimbursement and access models have served Europe well but are now reaching their limit in ensuring timely patient access to truly cutting-edge technologies and […]