Marcin Rodzinka
Project Coordinator - Mental Health Europe
Marcin Rodzinka joined Mental Health Europe in 2018. He previously worked at the Jagiellonian University and the National Institute of Public Health in Poland. At MHE, he focuses on transparency, prevention and health systems. He co-authored articles published in Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research and BMC Health Services Research. He is also an author of the report “Shedding light on transparent cooperation in healthcare: The way forward for sunshine and transparency laws across Europe”. Marcin holds a Master’s degree in Public Health – Health Economics and Governance of Health Systems from the Jagiellonian University Medical College in Cracow.
1 blog from the author

Posted on 13.05.2019
Enhanced transparency in healthcare, a pure win-win situation
Healthcare is a complex system in which many actors and interests play a role. Unfortunately, the representation of some prevails over others, quite often even over patients’ interest, despite the fact that the whole system’s aim is to work for their well-being and safety. In mental health, in particular, industry and healthcare professionals have had […]