
Roberto Bertollini

President, Health First Europe

Since June 2018, he is HFE’s Honorary President. From 2011 to 2016, Mr Bertollini has been WHO Representative to the EU in Brussels and Chief Scientist of the WHO Regional Office for Europe. Since January 2017, he has been Advisor to the Minister of Public Health of Qatar, working to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the public health system in the country. In addition to this, he is Member of the Scientific Committee on Health, Environment and Emerging Risks (SCHEER) of the Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety, providing scientific opinions to European Commission Services on health-related issues.

1 blog from the author


Posted on 12.08.2019

Scaling up innovations to improve health care quality across Europe

Health systems across the European Union are facing numerous challenges – from the ageing of the European population and sustainable financing of health care, to great variations and inequalities in clinical practice within and between countries, a necessary and rising emphasis on patient experience and patient-centredness within health systems, and significant public health threats. The […]

By Roberto Bertollini President, Health First Europe