Roman Lysecky
Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering - University of Arizona
Roman Lysecky received a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of California, Riverside in 2005. He is an expert on embedded systems, emphasizing medical device security, automated threat detection and mitigation, runtime adaptive systems, and design optimization. He received the Outstanding Dissertation Award from the European Design and Automation Association, a CAREER award from the National Science Foundation, and six Best Paper Awards. He is an inventor on multiple patents and has authored eight textbooks on C, C++, Java, and Data Structures, among others.
1 blog from the author

Posted on 18.01.2018
To beat the hackers, we need to design secure medical devices
Roman Lysecky is an Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Arizona. He is a speaker at the MedTech Forum 2018 and his session include: Becoming Hackproof in MedTech on Thursday 25th of January. For more information go to the MTF website and follow #MTF2018 on Twitter. […]