Today is World Diabetes Day. From diagnosis to treatment, check out what’s to know about diabetes and the contributions of medtech in understanding patients and their needs.
Improving access to medical technologies for diabetes care in Europe
Access to quality healthcare and medical technologies has risen to the top of the international health agenda. In this regard, diabetes is a particular challenge as good management relies on continuous access to both medicines and medical devices. In its latest study, IDF Europe found that hundreds of thousands of people living with diabetes in Europe do not have access to the treatment they need, putting their health at risk. More particularly, the study identified several issues in terms of access to medical technologies used in diabetes treatment, ranging from lack of information to supply and affordability issues. Read More…
Medtronic Responds to IDF Europe – Closing the Gaps in Diabetes care
We recently read the blog post “Improving access to medical technologies for diabetes care in Europe” from the International Diabetes Federation Europe assessing issues in terms of access to medical technologies for people with diabetes. As a producer of technologies and devices for people with diabetes, we keep learning and, when necessary, adapting our practices to fill in the gaps highlighted by IDF Europe. Read More…
The Sanofi stance: Diabetes management – taking an integrated diabetes care approach
In their latest study, “Access to Quality Medicines and Medical Devices for Diabetes Care in Europe”, the International Diabetes Federation Europe conducted a survey on the challenges people with diabetes are facing when seeking access to diabetes treatment. The IDF Europe outlined several of these challenges in the blog post “Improving access to medical technologies for diabetes care in Europe”, including limited access to information and education used for managing the disease. We would like to thank MedTech Europe for giving us this opportunity to share our insights and our approach on the accessibility of medical technology. Read More…
What a group of cyclists taught us about interoperability and diabetes
The fundamental problem facing people with diabetes (PWD) is keeping their Blood Glucose (BG) levels within a normal range. To do this PWD use devices to monitor their BG levels. These devices provide a reading that is then used to make therapeutic decisions such as taking insulin or treating a low reading by eating. Diabetes is a data driven disease, PWD need to log, track, interpret and share the data with their healthcare professionals (HCP) and others who can help them turn the data into information. Today, there is no single platform that patients, carers and HCP can use to capture, track and share information to help PWD, indeed there is no current standard for interoperability between the various device manufacturers and platform operators. Read More…