From 15 to 21 June the European medtech industry will organise its first “European MedTech Week”, a series of activities and events to celebrate medical technology throughout Europe. This week will be an opportunity for every healthcare stakeholder to experience a whole range of medical technologies in the convenience of their own country. The medtech industry will showcase its innovativeness in unique and creative ways. So what can you do to make sure you benefit to the fullest from this week?
Outside of the circle of healthcare stakeholders it is clear the role and value of medical technology is not yet well understood. Do the test yourself and ask your spouse, parents or friends about the value of our innovations. Chances are they won’t be able to come up with much more beyond ‘’They allow me to be healthy again following a medical intervention”. What’s clear from this is that the majority of people are unaware of the vastness of our industry, nor the value it brings at multiple levels.
Lots of material on this very topic is already available widely on the internet (we have a great infographic here, moving stories here and several blogs here). But together with our member companies and associations, we also want to share more about medical technology throughout Europe.
What is the MedTech Week?
Organised for the first time this year, the “European MedTech Week” is a series of events that will be organised throughout Europe from 15 until 21 June and which will put the value of medical technology front and centre. At European level, we will be coordinating the various events and initiatives being organised, and curating all material – photos, videos, … – on the event’s website which will be launched shortly.
But the real action will take place in your own country, where medtech industry associations and manufacturers will set up events, ranging from site visits to roundtables and even radio shows on national radio! Never before has there been such an opportunity to see, hear, touch and experience medtech from up close.
Why participate?
If you are a medtech manufacturer or medtech industry association, you should be involved. You will have the opportunity shine the spotlight on medical technology and showcase innovation to an audience that otherwise is not always aware of the value of medtech, be that policymakers, payers, patients, or other healthcare stakeholders.
For policymakers and politicians, being involved in the MedTech Week, either by taking part in an event or by following the online conversation at #medtechweek and participating in it, the MedTech Week is like a crash course on the value of medtech. I’m sure this is a topic near and dear to many policymakers working on health, competitiveness, industry, jobs & growth and so on.
So if you are a member already planning to organise an event, or you’re not yet planning anything but want more information, be sure to let us know by contacting Valentina.