I’m just back from an extended trip to Sweden where I was invited to present at Swedish Medtech’s AGM (it was my first trip to Sweden so I tagged on a few days leave). Great event and a great country; if you haven’t visited yet, you have to go!
I have always found Swedish people to be both positive and innovative people. This trip confirmed that the northern lights are burning as bright as ever in that regard. Anna Lefevre Skjöldebrand and her team really pulled together a great and thought provoking panel, from the direct but very open views on regulation of Dr. Christina Åkerman, Director General of the Medical Products Agency, to the engaging presentation on the economic crisis from Dr. Göran Stiernstedt, despite the not-so-positive news he had for us.
But there was a silver lining or a bright northern light, as it were – there always is. Dr. Stiernstedt wisely reminded us that in times of great difficulty, difficult decisions become easy. What I took from this was that perhaps now is exactly the time to challenge the old way of valuing medical technology. Perhaps now, in the midst of this economic crisis where all avenues to save costs are being examined, it will be easier for the political masters of the health systems to grasp the thorny issue of silo budgeting and introduce a true comprehensive system for assessing the value of medical technology.
So very interesting views on the financial crisis and, just as I said, I always find the Swedes to be very positive and innovative.
– John Brennan, Director Regulatory and Technical Affairs