Two interesting healthcare documentaries

  • Posted on 04.09.2009

Two interesting healthcare documentaries


John Brennan

Director Regulations and Industrial Policy


Watching TV the other night I came across an excellent set of ‘reportages’ into the health sector.  They really showed that healthcare is a business not only for companies but also for hospitals and governments, who are equally battling for market share and establishing their ‘brand’. It’s a billion dollar business with patients at the centre – and everyone is looking for their slice of the pie.

If you can spare the time check out « Le patient qui valait 3 milliard » (a play on ‘the six million dollar man’) and « Massage ou pontage – Le business du tourisme médical » broadcast on ARTE on the 1st September – very interesting, especially Massage ou Pontage (healthcare tourism in Thailand) which was very balanced.

They’re both available on ARTE’s website for the next 7 days at

Also available in German here although the titles are different “Patient als Beute” which translates as “Patient as booty” which in American English means “the patient as a nice bottom” and “Mein Bypass aus Bangkok” which is not nearly as ‘saucy’ as the French title.

– John Brennan, Eucomed Director Regulatory and Technical Affairs

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