28 results

Posted on 31.07.2019
Don’t let incontinence stopping you
Urinary and faecal incontinence, as well as pelvic pain, are extremely debilitating and bothersome conditions. They are also more common than you may think: Around 1 in 4 women over the age of 35 and 1 in 10 adult men are affected by incontinence. Over 400 million people worldwide suffer from the condition. As you […]

Posted on 15.10.2018
Looking after your sexual health
We’re fortunate to be living in a time when it’s OK to talk openly about sexual health. But with so much information out there, unpicking the facts from the myths can sometimes be tricky. UK-based sexual health charity FPA aims to educate the public about sexual and reproductive health and wellbeing, especially during our annual […]

Posted on 28.07.2018
Why up to 290 million people are at risk of unknowingly developing liver disease or cancer
New research from the World Hepatitis Alliance reveals why 9 in 10 people living with viral hepatitis are unaware of their status Two years ago, 194 countries committed to the goal of eliminating viral hepatitis by 2030. By adopting the World Health Organization’s Global health sector strategy on viral hepatitis, governments finally recognised the disease […]

Posted on 07.06.2018
Why should we prevent cervical cancer? Because we can
This blog is part of the Early Diagnosis campaign #BeFirstEarly diagnosis and care can prevent illness from developing and slow disease progression. Lab tests, genetic tests, tests for chronic diseases and modern lab diagnostics can help facilitate earlier intervention and improves outcomes for patients and are increasingly valuable in informing treatment choice. Read the other blogs here: A […]

Posted on 22.05.2018
How can we manage preeclampsia risk during pregnancy?
Preeclampsia is a serious pregnancy disorder occurring only during pregnancy. To mark World Preeclampsia Day (May 22), I would like to share some insights on how to make pregnancy after preeclampsia as safe as possible for women and babies. One of the questions we hear most frequently from women who have experienced preeclampsia is: ‘Is […]

Posted on 21.02.2017
From over-testing to over-treatment – exploring pros and cons of screening programmes
The argument has raged for some time and shows no sign of abating any time soon: screening for diseases, yes or no? Take the case of prostate cancer screening: Richard Ablin – the author of “The Great Prostate Hoax”, and the man who claims to be the first to have identified PSA (a protein created […]

Posted on 01.02.2017
We’re living longer – but can we live better?
Most Europeans born today will live into their eighties but behind that impressive statistic lie inequalities and ill-health. It’s time we focused on adding life to years instead of years to life. In 1990, life expectancy at birth was 74.1 years in Europe. Today, it’s 80.9. This is a remarkable achievement, by any measure. However, […]

Posted on 05.02.2016
Why diagnostics is important in dealing with the Zika threat
In the last few weeks we have seen the emergence of a new global public health threat, the Zika Virus (ZIKV). Both the World Health Organization (WHO) and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) are monitoring the spread of the Zika, a mosquito borne arbovirus. The WHO recently declared the diseases linked […]

Posted on 18.08.2015
Women with ovarian cancer living longer than expected
Almost one-third of California women with ovarian cancer survive at least 10 years after diagnosis. The findings upend the notion that women diagnosed with cancer of the ovary always face a poor chance of survival. In fact, while the study confirmed earlier findings on characteristics associated with ovarian cancer survival—younger age, earlier stage, and lower […]