59 results


Posted on 17.02.2011

Who wants to save €5.6 billion? Telemonitoring and eHealth: more than fancy gadgetry

Eucomed has recently submitted remote monitoring of implantable cardiac devices as one of its four proposals to the Active and Healthy Ageing Innovation Partnership under the European Commission’s Innovation Union Strategy. Such an initiative is exactly what Europe is in need of to ensure its place at the top of the innovation ladder. Eucomed selected […]

By Markus Siebert Chair of Eucomed Cardiac Rhythm Management Telemonitoring Group


Posted on 04.02.2011

Cheap trumps innovativeness… or not?

As I was commuting back to Brussels last week, a copy of The Economist laid out in front of me, my eye was immediately drawn to the title of that week’s Leader. Who wouldn’t be inclined to read on when an enticing header such as “Life should be cheap” is staring right at you. Intrigued […]

By John Wilkinson Former Chief Executive of Eucomed


Posted on 11.01.2011

2011 Outlook: Innovate or Fail

The turn of the year brings all manner of analysis of the events of one year and predictions for the year ahead. 2010 will not be fondly remembered by many as it heralded the impact of the 2008 banking crisis on the real world of citizens and business. For those in the public sector and […]

By John Wilkinson Former Chief Executive of Eucomed


Posted on 29.09.2010

Telemedicine – Never knowingly over sold

‘Never knowingly under sold’ is a slogan that one major UK retailer has been using more or less continuously since 1925. I have never quite understood what it means. E-heath and telemedicine have been touted as the key to disruptive change in healthcare for a very long time. I recall spending an entertaining four days […]

By John Wilkinson Former Chief Executive of Eucomed

Access Digital

Posted on 23.06.2010

The potential of IT to transform healthcare

Sitting on the tram this morning, flicking through my e-mails and preparing for the busy day ahead, I began to muse on the incredible impact that information technology has had on my life. Doing this sort of communication was inconceivable even when I had my first management role. My own personal secretary was highly skilled […]

By John Wilkinson Former Chief Executive of Eucomed