14 results


Posted on 29.04.2015

What the ”take-off” of digital health will mean for the established healthcare industries

2015 has been predicted, by many commentators, as the year that digital health will officially ‘’take off’’ due to increased consumer-wide acceptance, a growing array of digitally enabled health applications and increased investment levels. All of these factors are contributing to the cause for more and more leading consumer brands to enter into the digital […]


Posted on 30.09.2014

Innovation outpacing EU regulation: the case for medical 3D printing

A 3D Printed Breakthrough for Complex Children’s Fractures from Materialise NV on Vimeo. Imagine  that you break your arm and it heals back together incorrectly, making it difficult to perform simple, everyday tasks. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if your surgeon could use medical imaging data from your arm, make a 3D virtual model and test […]

By Wilfried Vancraen Chief Executive Officer

Wipeout medtech industry
Digital Value

Posted on 20.03.2014

MedTech will not be wiped out by Apples or Googles – but here’s something to think about

“Nihil novi sub sole” said the Vulgate. That could not be farther from reality when it comes to the MedTech Europe blog. And I am privileged to be the first author to “lay pen to paper” and contribute to MedTech Views, an initiative by MedTech Europe to establish a true platform for dialogue about medical technologies. No priority is given to any one healthcare stakeholder, and everyone has the opportunity to submit their view as we strive to have an open exchange of opinions on the new platform.

By Serge Bernasconi Chief Executive Officer, MedTech Europe

Access Business

Posted on 01.07.2013

Swiss assets – down with gold, up with titanium

In the past few weeks, the Swiss newspapers have been littered with an uncomfortable and poisonous prospect: the U.S. A financial force banging its chest from its modest economic recovery is demanding tax justice from Switzerland. The stable currency, neutrality and talented investment acumen that the Swiss have quietly touted to global investors has allowed them to amass some 30-40% of foreign investments. Now the tables are turning. With increasing pressure from the U.S., Switzerland is about to be forced into giving up one of its oldest and most sacred treasures – the hidden, numbered, off-shore Swiss bank accounts. So far this only seems to be relevant to U.S. account holders, but the vultures are already beginning to circle. France, Germany and the U.K. will almost certainly follow suit once the dust clears and the stage opens up for more opportunistic assaults on secret Swiss accounts.

By Sarah Moyle Head of International Relations at Medtech Switzerland


Posted on 16.07.2009

Are we the problem or the solution?

Browsing the news pages of the web I came across an article in a journal that I am not familiar with from the USA, the grandly titled U.S. News & World Report. The report headed off on a familiar and now even more fashionable track of squarely identifying our industry as the villains of the […]

By John Wilkinson Former Chief Executive of Eucomed