127 results
Posted on 19.03.2020
Horizon Europe: 6 priorities for health Research & Innovation
What key health questions should EU Research & Innovation (R&I) funding aim to address? The Horizon Europe (2021-2027) Health Cluster has provided an answer – well, six answers – which will shape R&I for most of the coming decade. This will also drive my own work in leading the R&I Partnership Policy of MedTech Europe. […]
Posted on 10.02.2020
AI in medical technologies: prioritising an ethical approach to deliver better care
Artificial intelligence (AI) has enormous potential to improve patient outcomes and reduce their variability, making health systems more efficient. But we must take an ethical approach to ensure sustainable implementation and public trust. As leaders in the medical technology sector, we are playing our part in ensuring that our industry develops advanced data-driven technologies […]
Posted on 19.08.2019
The increased role of Clinical Research Organizations in the context of the new EU regulations on medical devices
In 2017 the European Commission changed and updated the legal framework regarding the medical devices, superseding the existing directives, with two new regulations which added new responsibilities for European Medicines Agency and national regulatory authorities. The two new regulations, the MDR 2017/745 on medical devices and IVDR 2017/746 on in vitro diagnostic devices are scheduled […]
Posted on 12.08.2019
Scaling up innovations to improve health care quality across Europe
Health systems across the European Union are facing numerous challenges – from the ageing of the European population and sustainable financing of health care, to great variations and inequalities in clinical practice within and between countries, a necessary and rising emphasis on patient experience and patient-centredness within health systems, and significant public health threats. The […]
Posted on 31.07.2019
Don’t let incontinence stopping you
Urinary and faecal incontinence, as well as pelvic pain, are extremely debilitating and bothersome conditions. They are also more common than you may think: Around 1 in 4 women over the age of 35 and 1 in 10 adult men are affected by incontinence. Over 400 million people worldwide suffer from the condition. As you […]
Posted on 24.07.2019
Interoperability unlocks the potential of digital health
Digital health has the potential to make healthcare better for patients and for healthcare professionals, as well as to accelerate the shift towards more efficient and cost-effective ways of delivering care. It promises to make healthcare better, safer, and more centred on the patient. Yet, despite this great potential, the people I speak to – […]
Posted on 24.06.2019
Patients don’t care about technology – they care about quality of life
Everything we know about healthcare will be totally different in twenty years. But while breath-taking new technologies become available, I believe our most important task is to integrate them in a way that always benefits patients. Emerging medical technologies are fantastic tools with which we can completely reimagine the continuum of care. We can redesign […]
Posted on 15.05.2019
A bold new vision for the medical technology community
20 years ago, I’d have called you foolish if you suggested that the world’s largest taxi company would not own any taxis. I’d have called you ill-advised if you suggested that the world’s largest hotelier would not own any hotels. I’d have thought you unwise if you suggested that the world’s largest book store could […]
Posted on 13.05.2019
IVDR: an overview of clinical evidence requirements
With the updated in vitro diagnostic medical devices (IVD) classification moving at least 80% of IVDs under Notified Body scrutiny (compared to 20% previously!), most manufacturers should now be gearing up to shift from self-certification to notified body oversight as we enter into the third year of the In Vitro Diagnostic Regulation’s transition period. A […]