11 results

Ethics Regulation

Posted on 31.07.2013

Are human genes patentable in Europe and the US?

In June, the US Supreme Court issued its opinion in the Myriad case (Association for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics Inc.).  The Supreme Court had been asked a seemingly simple question: “Are human genes patentable?”, and concluded that naturally occurring gene sequences are no longer patentable in the US.  In Europe, isolated gene sequences are still patentable, under certain conditions.  However, the differences between the two legal regimes are not as stark as might initially appear, and the practical effect for the diagnostics industry is complex.

By Morag Peberdy Of Counsel, Covington & Burling LLP

Salt and heart failure

Posted on 13.03.2013

Tailored Tools for Diagnosing Heart Failure

As the 2013 World Salt Awareness Week calls for “Less Salt, Please”, it may be time for Europeans to seriously consider the implications of their seasoning habits on their health, notably their heart health. Heart failure (HF) is characterised by the inability of the heart to respond to the blood flow demands of the body, a condition that is becoming increasingly common, with more than 20 million directly affected worldwide.

By Damien Gruson Head, Department of Laboratory Medicine, St-Luc University Hospital