517 results
Posted on 10.01.2025
MDR/IVDR Article 10a – A new bureaucratic challenge for manufacturers you may have missed
The latest update to the medical device regulations aims to protect patients from supply interruptions, but this may eventually result in more red tape for companies. Medical technology companies take their responsibilities to patients and health systems very seriously. Their daily focus is to deliver devices and solutions that are safe and performing, so that […]
Posted on 07.01.2025
Third-party litigation in Europe: could it fuel a US-style class action culture?
The new EU Product Liability Directive could open the door to a surge in class actions. To protect consumers, we need to curtain abuses while ensuring that individuals have access to appropriate compensation. If you were hoping for a quiet start-of-year period, I am the bearer of bad news – at least for those of […]
Posted on 21.11.2024
Why now is the time to talk about procurement in the medical technology sector
With the EU set to review public procurement rules, healthcare stakeholders should highlight the role of Value-based Procurement in driving sustainability and innovation A quiet revolution has been taking place in how hospitals and health systems purchase the products and services they need to run vital services. By working together to prioritise value, stakeholders can […]
Can Europe unlock the power of data while protecting privacy?
Key points Health data can drive better outcomes and support patient safety Total anonymisation would make secondary use of device or research data impossible MedTech Europe has developed a framework that balances data protection with data-driven opportunities to help perform the analysis of re-identification risks We live in an increasingly data-driven world. Innovative medical technology […]
Posted on 07.11.2024
Beyond the checkbox: My views on compliance
By embedding compliance at the core of decision-making, medtech and life science companies will be ready to rise to future challenges When we think about the key trends shaping the healthcare sector, it quickly becomes clear that ethics and compliance have a central role to play in the future of our industry. Consider the risks […]
Posted on 12.10.2024
From burden to breakthrough: Orthopaedic innovations for osteoarthritis care
On World Arthritis Day, we are reminded of over 40 million people in Europe, who live with osteoarthritis (OA), a condition affecting 15% of the global population over the age of 30. In France, for example, it is the second-leading reason for medical consultations, after cardiovascular conditions. As life expectancy increases, the burden of osteoarthritis […]
Posted on 27.08.2024
A vision for Europe’s medtech future: Safeguarding Europe’s access to medtech and innovation
The EU medical technology regulations need a rethink to boost competitiveness that better safeguards patient access to innovation Europe has a strong and diverse medical technology sector and some of the best health services in the world. However, a serious crisis is on the horizon, which threatens our shared progress. We must address this challenge […]
Posted on 01.08.2024
The landmark AI Act, its ripple effects on the medical technology industry and the challenges yet to be tackled
As we witness the AI Act entering into force, MedTech Europe applauds the European Commission and the co-legislators for taking a leading role in this momentous endeavour. The AI Act represents the first supranational framework aimed at regulating the safety and quality aspects of AI applications across sectors and domains. While it is a landmark […]
Posted on 28.06.2024
MedTech Europe Code: Trust is a priceless asset in healthcare
With new global challenges on the horizon, compliance with the MedTech Europe Code is an investment in the future If my years as a legal and compliance professional in Europe’s medical technology sector have taught me anything, it is the value of trust. It is vital that healthcare professionals and patients trust us to produce […]