4 results

Posted on 03.09.2020
COVID-19 & diagnostics: lessons on how to extract value from data
This is the second in a two-part series. Read part one. The link between clinical and social aspects of COVID-19 raises the question of what type of data are needed to manage the COVID-19 surge and better absorb shocks that may be caused by future pandemics. We believe clinical patient level data are essential given […]

Posted on 27.08.2020
COVID-19 & diagnostics: the value of ‘test, test, test’
The power of diagnostics information (VODI) to public health and society was a topic of keen interest even before the COVID-19 outbreak. The pandemic offers us fresh lessons on how health systems can harness this value. Many of us will recall one of the earliest recommendation from the Director General of the WHO during the […]

Posted on 29.04.2020
Maximising the potential of diagnostic information in heart failure care
Covid-19 has proven a seismic event for our societies, and it is easy to forget that the pandemic will not dominate the debate on healthcare forever. Yet by any rational measure, efforts to manage long-term conditions will continue to be responsible for the majority of healthcare costs into the future. Heart failure (HF) is, and […]

Posted on 15.11.2019
Prevention is better than cure: it’s time we value diagnostic information
Prevention is better than cure. It’s cheaper too. In fact, preventing future illnesses and preventing complications from existing conditions, are vital to the future sustainability of health systems. For a vaccine that prevents measles, or a medication that prevents a heart attack, the value is obvious. But what about the value of learning that you […]