Catherine Hodge


Catherine is a researcher at the Secretariat of the Heart Failure Policy Network (HFPN), based in London. HFPN is an independent, multidisciplinary network, working with stakeholders across Europe and beyond to drive progress in improving care and outcomes for the millions of people living with heart failure. Catherine joined the HFPN team in 2021, having previously worked in global health research.

1 blog from the author


Posted on 29.09.2022

Early diagnosis can make all the difference to the lives of people with heart failure and other forms of cardiovascular disease

Many public health campaigns focus on the importance of identifying and acting on the symptoms of major cardiovascular disease (CVD) events, such as heart attacks and strokes, as quickly as possible. Medicine has developed so much in recent decades that these events, which were once a death sentence for the majority, are now often survivable […]

By Catherine Hodge Researcher