Clarisse Aillet
Medical Education Consultant
As an external consultant at MedTech Europe, Clarisse has been supporting the Legal and Compliance team since 2015. She has been leading the outreach towards the European Medical Community at large and steering the discussions on the future of medical education between industry, the Healthcare Professionals and the Professional Congress Organisers. She is also in charge of the Ethical MedTech Compliance Portal, designed to raise awareness of industry’s ethical standards, and supervises the Conference Vetting System, e4ethics and the Ethical Charter initiatives.
Clarisse Aillet has been working in Brussels for about 15 years in both the private and the public sector, handling EU public affairs and governmental relations, stakeholder management, corporate communications, crisis management and social media.
1 blog from the author

Posted on 01.07.2021
Ethical collaborations: new guidelines help companies partner with patient organisations
One of the strongest trends I have observed in healthcare over the past decade has been the growth of patient power. Patients are actively shaping their care like never before. In response, health systems and companies are increasingly focused on the outcomes and experiences that matter to patients. The voice of patients is also becoming […]