Edouard Colas
DreamUp Vision Chief Medical Officer
Ophthalmologist at the 15-20 (“Quinze-Vingts”) French National Ophtalmic Center in Paris, France. Fellow of the European Board of Ophthalmology, he received the MD degree from Pierre et Marie Curie Paris University in 2013. He is specialized in medical and surgical retinal diseases, trains ophthalmology residents and has participated in several books and scientific papers. He is also the ophtalmology expert of MeltingDoc, the first app which connects French doctors and helps them solve complex medical cases.
1 blog from the author
Posted on 15.11.2016
Changing how we see diabetic retinopathy
Consider this: about 60 million people in Europe have diabetes. Out of those who have it for more than 20 years, 75% will develop some form of diabetic retinopathy (DR). It’s a startling statistic. Early detection of DR can prevent blindness, which is why people with diabetes should be tested every year. But because so […]