Gunnar Goblirsch
Head of a Unit, Stockholm County Council
Mr. Goblirsch is a former head of a unit in Stockholm County Council and worked mainly with procurement of medical equipment for the new hospital buildings NKS (New Karolinska Solna). Mr. Goblirsch has more than 30 years of experience of purchasing in the world of medical equipment. In 2009 he was elected purchaser of the year by Swedish Public Purchasers.
1 blog from the author
Posted on 02.03.2016
Shift to value-based procurement must come from the top
This blog is part 4 of a series on the MEAT value-based procurement project, an initiative that advocates towards a shift from price-based procurement towards value-based procurement. It does so by defining a Most Economically Advantageous Tendering (MEAT) framework that includes the value of medical technologies, services and solutions in procurement processes across Europe. Read part […]