Mark Charny
Managing Director, Translucency Ltd.
Mark has been Managing Director of Translucency Limited, a reimbursement consultancy based in the UK and with an associate network across Western Europe since 1999. Prior to that he was Director of the English National Centre for Clinical Audit, after three years as Senior Medical Office in the UK Department of Health responsible for clinical effectiveness and clinical guidelines. Earlier in his career he held a senior management position in the NHS, having spent several years as a general practitioner (family physician).
His major areas of expertise include evidence-based product support, including epidemiology, study design, data analysis, and cost-effectiveness analysis. He has published extensively in peer-reviewed journals, spoken widely at conferences, and referees for the UK National Institute of Health Research Health Technology Assessment programme.
1 blog from the author
Does investing in demonstrating value help with reimbursement for new medical technologies?
The tool most commonly used to demonstrate the value of a new medical technology is the business case. Typical business cases can be thought of as falling into one of four categories. Compared with current care, the technology:
– costs less in the current year and you get what you get from current care (‘save money now’).
– costs the same and you get more than you get from current care (‘more value for current spend’).
– costs more in the current year but cost less when future savings are taken into account and you get what you get from current care (‘spend now to save later’).
– costs more but you get more (‘spend more for better quality’).