Sorin STIRCU - BioPic

Sorin Stircu

Regional MedTech Strategist at E*HealthLine - Europe Global Office

Sorin Stircu, Regional MedTech Strategist at E*HealthLine, is on a mission to help MedTech/Healthcare companies build and grow profitable businesses with the help of A.I./M.L.-based Digital Ecosystems. He is trained in strategic & tactical planning and project management for the MedTech/Healthcare industry including product differentiation, positioning, life cycle management, and global market development. Sorin promotes innovative programs that capitalize on new analytic technologies for Digital Health to include: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, R&D, Smart Electronic Health Records, Population Health Management, ePrescribing, Point of Care Marketing, Patient and Physician Engagement and Clinical Decision Support. He helped companies build new digital strategies and switch from a B2C/B2B business model to a partner-partner business model with a huge return of investment in a highly competitive market.

7 blogs from the author


Posted on 28.01.2021

Answering the Call of Telehealth

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, video consultations were on the rise, with many healthcare systems advocating a digital-first approach. In patient care and clinical trials, demand for virtual care has never been higher. The pandemic has accelerated this shift. For me, it has been exciting to collaborate with health systems at a time of urgent […]

By Sorin Stircu Regional MedTech Strategist at E*HealthLine - Europe Global Office


Posted on 06.01.2020

Digital biomarkers are the future of precision medicine

Many are probably already familiar with “Biomarkers”. This is a term usually used to describe a molecule or gene that indicates a change in a person’s health or risk of disease. As technology take’s its innovative course in healthcare, Biomarkers are going digital.   Digital tools, such as smartphones, wearables and fitness trackers, continually collect health […]

By Sorin Stircu Regional MedTech Strategist at E*HealthLine - Europe Global Office


Posted on 09.09.2019

Digital Therapeutics prescription will transform the future of healthcare

A new class of therapies known as “Digital Therapeutics” is predicting and transforming measurable outcomes for the future of medical care. It is reshaping the structure and management of treatments for a complete set of chronic diseases that adhere to medical interventions driven by software and delivered by medical devices, service, and medication, while collecting, […]

By Sorin Stircu Regional MedTech Strategist at E*HealthLine - Europe Global Office


Posted on 26.02.2019

New technologies allow decentralisation of clinical trials

Emerging technologies, innovative software and medical devices are revolutionising the healthcare industry. Decentralising clinical trial data is helping to unlock the full potential these tools by enabling people in different places to work securely on data without compromising patient privacy. One of the areas that I find most exciting is the use of predictive modelling […]

By Sorin Stircu Regional MedTech Strategist at E*HealthLine - Europe Global Office


Posted on 12.12.2018

Unlocking the power of big data – Without compromising patient privacy

Deep learning is a form of machine learning with the potential to extract meaningful information from the mountains of data generated by healthcare companies. One of the major obstacles to embracing deep learning in the world of health arises from challenges around data sharing. As we all know, while there is no shortage of patient […]

By Sorin Stircu Regional MedTech Strategist at E*HealthLine - Europe Global Office


Posted on 01.03.2018

Predicting a patient’s health path and changing their behaviour, through the adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

By unleashing the power of machine learning, we can better understand behaviour, empower patients to make smarter decisions – and save billions of euros. Unhealthy lifestyles are driving an explosion in chronic conditions, including obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. By choosing to smoke, having an inconsistency in maintaining a healthy diet and opting out of […]

By Sorin Stircu Regional MedTech Strategist at E*HealthLine - Europe Global Office

Pure tech

Posted on 21.11.2017

How artificial intelligence will shape the future of diabetes

According to the latest estimates of the WHO, 422 million people suffer from diabetes worldwide, and the number is growing steadily. As someone who is passionate about using eHealth to solve the biggest challenges in modern healthcare, diabetes stands out as one of the defining problems of our era. Managing diabetes well is essential to […]

By Sorin Stircu Regional MedTech Strategist at E*HealthLine - Europe Global Office