206 results


Posted on 17.03.2021

MedTech Slovenia: building the future together

  The next chapter in the story of Slovenia’s medical technology industry has begun – and it is being co-written by leaders from the in-vitro diagnostics and medical devices sectors. SIEDMA and SLO-MED have formally merged to become MedTech Slovenia. Together, we are combining our expertise to speak for our diverse industry with one voice. […]

By Peter Bratusek President, MedTech Slovenija


Posted on 02.02.2021

Biobanks and medtech: an underdeveloped partnership

Unlocking academia-industry collaboration on sample collection, storage and sharing  COVID-19 has demonstrated that access to quality samples and clinical data is key to facing any healthcare challenge. Millions of people have been tested around the world, generating an enormous number of samples and patients’ data.  Of course, swabs can have a life after the results […]

By Francesco Florindi Strategy & Partnership Manager, BBMRI-ERIC


Posted on 26.11.2020

In vitro diagnostics at risk: Covid-19 delays progresses towards the new European regulations

In order to keep them available to the health care system and to patients, more than 85% of IVDs will need to be updated in view of the new in vitro Diagnostic Regulation (IVDR) which is at risk due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The remaining IVDR transition time is not sustainable and requires attention […]

By Natale Bova Chair of the Regulatory IVD Forum of Confindustria Dispositivi Medici


Posted on 26.10.2020

The implications of COVID-19 on recruiting in the Life Science sector

We’re at the heart of the global response to COVID-19, a powerful reminder of our mission to enable our customers to make the world healthier,cleaner and safer. What’s driving us every day is the feeling that there is a meaning to our work over and beyond the reward of the paycheck. What’s compelling now is […]

By Noel Brown Global Head of Talent Attraction & Acquisition at Thermo Fisher Scientific


Posted on 20.10.2020

In crisis, medtech found the path to realise its full potential

I have been truly humbled by the collective response of the medical technology industry through this pandemic. As we approach MedTech Week 2020, our industry can be proud of the contribution we have made. But as we reflect on the impact of this unprecedented year, perhaps the true legacy has yet to reveal itself: how […]

By Eric Thépaut Senior Vice President and President, EMEA - Boston Scientific

Research & Innovation

Posted on 21.09.2020

EU Health PPP: a new era for medtech companies

For decades, companies in the medtech and pharma sectors have delivered healthcare innovations separately – collaboration has been limited. However, we know that this is not how patients experience healthcare. In the real world, diagnostics, devices, medicines, vaccines and digital tools combine to keep people healthy and to treat those who are unwell.  This reality […]

By Philippe Cleuziat Senior Director, R&D Department Open Innovation & Partnerships at bioMerieux


Posted on 03.09.2020

COVID-19 & diagnostics: lessons on how to extract value from data

This is the second in a two-part series. Read part one. The link between clinical and social aspects of COVID-19 raises the question of what type of data are needed to manage the COVID-19 surge and better absorb shocks that may be caused by future pandemics.  We believe clinical patient level data are essential given […]

By Hans Martens Chair of the Coalition for Health, Ethics and Society (CHES), and former CEO of the European Policy Centre (EPC)


Posted on 27.08.2020

COVID-19 & diagnostics: the value of ‘test, test, test’

The power of diagnostics information (VODI) to public health and society was a topic of keen interest even before the COVID-19 outbreak. The pandemic offers us fresh lessons on how health systems can harness this value.  Many of us will recall one of the earliest recommendation from the Director General of the WHO during the […]

By Hans Martens Chair of the Coalition for Health, Ethics and Society (CHES), and former CEO of the European Policy Centre (EPC)


Posted on 22.07.2020

MedTech Facts (and Figures) everyone should know

‘Data-driven decision making’ has become a buzzword in policy discussions throughout the past years. On one hand, from a supply point of view, with the digital revolution we generate and have access to an ever-growing pool of data. We continuously collect and analyse information about every aspect of our life, whether personal or professional. On […]

By Orsolya Küttel Officer Market Data, MedTech Europe