66 results

The winner is
Business Value

Posted on 07.02.2012

Improving life, being cost-efficient and contributing to the EU’s economy – Rewarding Europe’s most innovative medtech companies

When UBM Canon decided to launch the MEDTEC EMDT Innovation Awards, the PIP implant affair was not front-page news. The organisers merely thought that the contributions made by Europe’s medical technology industry in ameliorating the human condition deserved recognition. But in the aftermath of the wall-to-wall coverage of the French breast implant scandal, it’s more important than ever to celebrate and trumpet the achievements of this remarkable industry.

By Norbert Sparrow Editor in Chief, EMDT, medtechinsider

home tele monitoring devices

Posted on 08.12.2010

The potential role of home monitoring devices in active and healthy ageing

As one of the baby boomers and firmly fingered with responsibility for both the healthcare funding and pensions crises, it is with a very personal interest that I look at emerging trends in care of the chronically sick and ageing. Age unfortunately means collecting co-morbidities, hopefully minor ones, and dealing with them in a way […]

By John Wilkinson Former Chief Executive of Eucomed


Posted on 11.03.2010

Today is World Kidney Day

The prominence of World Kidney Day (11th March) brings into sharp focus the changing epidemiology of our times and the impact of modern life styles of the developed world on the demands placed on healthcare systems. The surge in incidence of diabetes coupled with extending life expectancy are producing a parallel rise in the incidence […]

By John Wilkinson Former Chief Executive of Eucomed