16 results

In your head

Posted on 13.05.2024

Supporting the wellbeing of healthcare professionals is vital to patient outcomes and system sustainability

Healthcare professionals are under pressure. Stress and fatigue were a growing concern long before the pandemic put burnout under the spotlight. Now, amid a shortage of nurses and significant mental health issues among healthcare staff, governments, health systems and hospitals are facing a human resources crisis. The medical technology sector can play a constructive role […]

By Judith Hargreaves VP Health Economics and Government Affairs at Mölnlycke Health Care


Posted on 14.03.2024

Building resilient healthcare systems in Europe

MedTech Europe Manifesto: The EU has a key role in preparing for future challenges, from AMR and climate to global trade distortions and supply chain disruption  European health systems have faced severe stress tests in recent years, revealing some of the strengths and weaknesses of our services and institutions. Learning from this experience will be […]

By Oliver Bisazza Chief Executive Officer, MedTech Europe

Getting checked Global

Posted on 13.06.2023

AMR pandemic: rising to the challenge with medical technologies

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is now on the political agenda like never before. The WHO has called AMR a ‘silent pandemic’. The issue has been discussed by the G7 and it is among the priorities highlighted in the mission letter sent by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen to the Commissioner responsible for health, Stella […]

By Miriam D’Ambrosio Senior Manager Communications, MedTech Europe


Posted on 25.11.2021

Testing Times: we have the tools to meet next healthcare challenges

As Europe enters the fourth wave of COVID-19 and countries start to impose lockdown restrictions, we must not forget that we have the tools to tackle this. European society has undergone a profound transformation since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Testing has been placed at the heart of our health systems as one of the […]

By Martyna Giedrojc Director International Public Affairs and Professionals Relations Europe at Cepheid


Posted on 22.11.2021

AMR action plans – what are we missing?

The recent pandemic has bluntly exposed some of the gaps in our healthcare systems across Europe and one thing stuck with me the most: we were not prepared. In many ways, we can think of this as a test run of how the world responds to large-scale healthcare crises. There are more complex threats ahead, […]

By Johanna Engelage Team Leader of Marketing Urinalysis at Sysmex Europe GmbH

R&I in medtech shaping Europe’s heathcare and economyw
Research & Innovation

Posted on 19.03.2020

Horizon Europe: 6 priorities for health Research & Innovation

What key health questions should EU Research & Innovation (R&I) funding aim to address? The Horizon Europe (2021-2027) Health Cluster has provided an answer – well, six answers – which will shape R&I for most of the coming decade. This will also drive my own work in leading the R&I Partnership Policy of MedTech Europe. […]

By Patrick Boisseau Director Research and Innovation, MedTech Europe


Posted on 18.11.2019

Checklist culture: how simple solutions can revolutionise patient safety and tackle AMR

As we mark World Antibiotic Awareness Week and European Antibiotic Awareness Day, it is vital that we do all we can to address antimicrobial resistance. The medtech sector supports a wide range of tools that reduce infection risk and support antimicrobial stewardship – some are technologically sophisticated; others are startlingly simple. Checklists are just one […]

By Goran Ribaric Director, Regional Safety Officer EMEA J&J Medical Devices

Getting checked

Posted on 08.05.2018

Diagnosing STIs: faster tests for chlamydia and gonorrhoea can help reduce the spread of disease

This blog is part of the Early Diagnosis campaign #BeFirstEarly diagnosis and care can prevent illness from developing and slow disease progression. Lab tests, genetic tests, tests for chronic diseases and modern lab diagnostics can help facilitate earlier intervention and improves outcomes for patients and are increasingly valuable in informing treatment choice. Read the other blogs here: A […]

By James Beckett Clinical Solutions Executive - Cepheid

Getting checked

Posted on 26.07.2017

The role of medtech in fighting hepatitis

International efforts to tackle the hepatitis pandemic have reached new heights, especially in the past year since the 69th World Health Assembly (WHA) endorsed the Global Health Sector Strategy (GHSS) on viral hepatitis 2016–2021. It is estimated that some 325 million people worldwide are living with chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) or hepatitis C virus […]

By Karen Finn Freelance writer, editor