19 results

Value Based Procurement

Posted on 03.11.2020

Current trends in tendering innovation at risk

Medical technology procurement must focus on quality if it is to deliver value Tenders for medical devices across Europe are increasingly focused on price only. This is one of the key findings of a recent analysis “Tendering Medical Devices in Europe – Strategy & Implications for Pricing” that we conducted on tenders from 2016 to […]

By Luca Morreale Head of Operations at BASE life science

Value Based Procurement

Posted on 20.01.2020

VBP: The road from unwanted necessity to high impact strategic partner

Public procurement was established as a way of purchasing products that hospitals need. However, this one-dimensional view of procurement is changing very quickly. From humble beginnings as an obscure back-office function, I am pleased to say procurement is fast becoming a high-impact strategic partner for hospitals.  What’s behind this shift? Traditionally, product price has been […]

By Kjetil Istad Director Sykehusinnkjøp HF, Norway & Vice-president EHPPA

Value-Based Procurement blog series
Value Based Procurement

Posted on 31.10.2019

Value Based Procurement: A Supplier’s View

We have been talking a lot about Value-Based Procurement (VBP) from the buyer’s perspective. But what does VBP mean for us, suppliers, and what should we do to implement the concepts of VBP within our organisations? My view is that VBP is a key source of competitive advantage. I see Public Tenders as the sea […]

By Filippo Gabbia Independent Consultant and Lecturer

VBP blog series
Value Based Procurement

Posted on 24.06.2019

Can procurement deliver the ‘best value’ for money?

To my mind, the overarching challenge of modern healthcare systems is to increase the value and outcomes of care, not just to control costs. As someone keenly interested in procurement, this leads me to question what it all means for how health systems buy the technologies they need. In a competitive healthcare system, like the […]

By Hans Bax Senior Adviser Value & Innovation-based Access

VBP blog series
Value Based Procurement

Posted on 17.06.2019

Procurement is on a journey to a ‘value-based’ future

The essence of travelling, either by foot, train or plane, is replacing one’s existing location for another more desired or needed one. But why do we do it? Sometimes it’s the appeal of a new destination – perhaps a ski resort or a tropical island. On other occasions, the decision to move away is driven […]

By Hans Bax Senior Adviser Value & Innovation-based Access

value-based procurement

Posted on 19.06.2018

Case study: testing a new framework for value-based procurement

This blog is part 10 of a series on the MEAT value-based procurement project, an initiative that advocates towards a shift from price-based procurement towards value-based procurement. It does so by defining a Most Economically Advantageous Tendering (MEAT) framework that includes the value of medical technologies, services and solutions in procurement processes across Europe. Read part 1, part […]

By Gabriela Restovic Health economist

EHP banner

Posted on 06.06.2018

Taking the Heat out of the Value Debate by Focusing on Outcomes: Our Generation’s Plea to Make Health Great Again!

With 20% of healthcare spending estimated to be wasted on ineffective interventions at a time of limited resources and increased demand for medical innovation and services, the efficiency of EU healthcare systems must be challenged. How? By focusing on value: getting the best possible outcomes at the best possible cost. While this seems to be […]

By Thomas Gelin Chair, Committee on Outcomes-Based Healthcare Systems, European Health Parliament


Posted on 23.05.2018

Value-based procurement: a users’ guide to improving outcomes and delivering efficiencies in the UK

This blog is part 9 of a series on the MEAT value-based procurement project, an initiative that advocates towards a shift from price-based procurement towards value-based procurement. It does so by defining a Most Economically Advantageous Tendering (MEAT) framework that includes the value of medical technologies, services and solutions in procurement processes across Europe. Read part 1, part […]

By Brian Mangan FCIPS MSc Deputy Director NHS NW Procurement Development


Posted on 22.03.2018

Czech medtech: two decades of change

As CzechMed celebrates its 20th anniversary on 22 March 2018, Miroslav Palát, President of the association discusses the past, present and future Czechia was a different place in 1998 when CzechMed was established to represent the medical devices sector. Since then, the economy has grown by an average of 2.5% per year – with the […]

By Miroslav Palát President CzechMed